Panel Discussion

November 6 (Tuesday) (16:00 - 18:00)

The Circuits and Systems for Mobile AI


Recently, many new technology, circuits and systems are proposed to realize AI on silicon. Analog circuits look promising for design of the neuromorphic chips but digital implementations are still the main stream technology. Moreover, PiM with non-volatile memory is researched as the next technology for the AI realization. Especially, for the mobile AI intelligence, we need ultra-low power circuits and systems.

  • Do you think Digital AI solutions will win over analog? Why?
  • Do you prefer Analog circuits and systems for AI chip?
  • What kind of low power/low energy schemes will be required?
  • Which type of memories are good to realize AI solutions?
  • Will PiM be the mainstream AI system?
  • FPGA is enough rather than ASIC for the AI system?
  • Will Circuit level innovation win over software innovation in AI?

  • Moderator: Marvin, National Tsinghua Univ., Taiwan
  • Panelists / Position:
    1. AI Trends Overview: Marvin (National TH Univ)
    2. Digital will win: Robert Chang (NCH Univ)
    3. Analog is the MUST: JY Sim (Postech)
    4. Low power schemes for AI: Kushida-San (Toshiba)
    5. AI and Memory: Takeuchi-San (Chuyo Univ)
    6. FPGA vs ASIC: Shouyi Yin (Tsinghua Univ)
    7. Software vs Hardware: Leibo Liu (Tsinghua Univ)

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